I was hella excited I have to say, after pacing the flat anxiously for about 2 hours,the time had come!
I had clean sheets(well, less dirty sheets than the ones I had on previously) a tidy room, and I even wore something which very closely resembled pyjamas, although I do have to admit that this was more due to the fact that I had visions of allergic reactions, nakedness and ambulance men)
okay so, skins was on; I was comfy...down the hatch!
had a fag.
waited 15 minutes.
had another fag.
skins was finished....
an hour?! surely I should be asleep by now?!
I decided to research with the trusty net doctor, only when I sat up did I realise I had lost the function in my hands, neck and legs. This wasn't unpleasant; I would liken it to having had a small line of Ketamine. Thoughts would blissfully enter my head and then leave again after 2 seconds leaving me shouting "come back thought! you were good I know it! i want to write you down!" (not literally shouting, that would be mental)
after having watched an entire episode of Americas next top model I started getting annoyed, my body was off in the land of nod but my mind was still FULLY functioning.
switched to listening to podcast (less light in room)
had a fag
waited 15 minutes
had another fag
....fuck it Im having another one!
so off I wobbled into the kitchen for a glass of water, having got back into bed without breaking any limbs. took the third pill....
I remember nothing from hear on out.
so they worked in the end! I woke up at HALF EIGHT this morning feeling refreshed and ready to face an entire day of writing the dreaded DISSERTATION.
Oh one more thing to add: I had lovely lovely lovely dreams; me and cook went to India don't you know? and we rode an elephant and it was all beautiful :]
this made me laugh
Sleeping pills from the doctor! haaa...